Jee V Sohnea Lyrics – Prem Dhillon

Jee V Sohnea Lyrics is a popular Punjabi song sung by Prem Dhillon. The lyrics of the song are traditional, and the music is composed by San B. The song is released under Prem Dhillon’s label. It’s a heartfelt track that expresses deep emotions and is well-loved for its soulful melody and meaningful words.

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Jee V Sohnea Lyrics - Prem Dhillon | San B

Jee v sohnea jee, Paave kisi ka hokar jee, Jee ve sohneya jee, Pave kisi ka hokar jee, Jee ve sohneya jee.
Written by: Prem Dhillon
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Jee V Sohnea Lyrics – Prem Dhillon

Jee V Sohnea Song Info:

Song: Jee V Sohnea
Singer(s): Prem Dhillon
Musician(s): San B
Lyricist(s): Prem Dhillon
Label(©): Prem Dhillon
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