Trace Lyrics – Sabi Bhinder | Gurlez Akhtar

Trace Lyrics is a vibrant Punjabi song by Saabi Bhinder, featuring the soulful vocals of Gurlez Akhtar. The track, with its catchy beats and emotional depth, is composed by Cheetah and showcases powerful lyrics penned by Saabi Bhinder. Directed by Abhi Lama, the song is released under the Saabi Bhinder Music.

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Trace Lyrics – Sabi Bhinder | Gurlez Akhtar

Trace Lyrics - Sabi Bhinder

This song lyrics will be updating anytime.
Written by: Sabi Bhinder

Trace Song Info:

Song: Trace
Singer(s): Gurlez Akhtar, Sabi Bhinder
Musician(s): Cheetah
Lyricist(s): Sabi Bhinder
Cast: Gurlez Akhtar, Sabi Bhinder
Label(©): Sabi Bhinder